Layers of light.

Design is not visible without light. Good design is bad design with bad lighting.

Good design of spaces should include three layers of light.

1] General light. This light illuminates the majority of the room in a wash of the same level of light. Imagine this layer as the whitewash across a bare canvas. General light lumens (brightness of light) range from 150 to 200.

2] Task light. We play and work in our spaces. These activities require concentrated areas of light where the brilliance level is appropriate for the task. 300 to 500 lumens for activities such as vacuuming and 800 to 1000 lumens for reading or sewing.

3] Sparkle light. Small, concentrated “smatterings” of light add contrast that sparks joy. Sparkle may come in the form of twinkle lights, light emerging through small openings of metal lamp shades, or candles. These are not designed to illuminate but to enhance.

Intentional design with general, task, and sparkle light is life-giving. Bring life to your space with good lighting design!


Smell of sharpened pencils.


One Small Thing.