newsletter Wendy Puffer newsletter Wendy Puffer

Newsletter 007

In the fall of 2020, we began collaborating with Marion General Hospital as they embarked on their rebrand project to become Marion Health. We are thrilled to finally share the visual brand we created! 

The brand has been months in the making. We began with thorough research, visiting MGH sites, and exploring the ways they used their past branding to represent their company. We talked with staff members, conducted company and community stories through surveys, and investigated other healthcare imagery in the region. These methods, especially the surveys, ensured the resulting brand carried the voices of the community and was true to who Marion Health has been and hopes to become. We created hundreds of sketches, each encapsulating elements of what makes Marion Health an integral part of the City of Marion and Grant County. In total, fourteen Marion Design Co. designers touched the project throughout its various stages, making it a truly collaborative endeavor. 

Our final design embraces Marion Health’s established presence and continual growth, as well as its intentional care. Not only has this project stretched us creatively, but we have also grown in our appreciation for Marion Health’s positive imprint on our community. We look forward to watching the brand come to life as MGH transitions to Marion Health!

We are excited to announce that we are now operating out of the historic Jay House on W 7th Street! Over the past year, Lark’s Song has been incredibly gracious to us as we shared space with them. We are sad to leave, but are excited to activate another space in Downtown Marion while at our next temporary studio. As we continue to look for a more permanent location, we are thankful for the generosity and hospitality of our downtown Marion neighbors.

As we’ve worked with a multitude of interns, we have loved catching up with each individual, as we swell with pride when we hear how they have grown since working with us. This week, we are highlighting Grace Woodard, who interned with us first in the summer of 2018, then in summer and fall of 2019, and worked with us into 2020.

Grace shared with us that the most valuable thing she learned from working with MDCO was “how to lead well and how to follow well.” She said that, during her time at MDCO, she was given many opportunities to lead and guide others, but an equal amount of opportunities to follow and learn from others. She said she saw this modeled by leadership, as well, “being intuitive enough to lead and grounded enough to follow.”

She says that her time at MDCO impacts her work today because it taught her how to work with and for humans. Her methodologies and ways of thinking that she learned with Marion Design Co have made her a more empathetic and considerate designer.  Today, Grace works as a full-time designer for Ramsey Solutions in Nashville, Tennessee. She stays inspired by most things, including (but not limited to): Heidi Harner, Studio Matthews, Kehinde Wiley, Holly Warburton, clouds, the feeling of fuzzy sweaters, Lorde’s newest single, patchwork bikinis, and Olympic female skateboarders.

Why is Marion so special? A question I ask myself as someone who grew up in Marion. Many of you may not know me in regards to my role at MDCO. I tend to stay in the background and work behind the scenes. My role is primarily to support the efforts and planning of our designers and the projects we have. I wasn’t a part of MDCO when it first started. I heard about it through my mom and Co-founder as she and her team worked tirelessly to make MDCO what it is today. Only in the past 2 years have I worked with MDCO and what a pivotal time it was to join!

The train is moving. Big things are happening. The Lord continues to provide and bless our efforts. What started 5 years ago and what it is today is vastly different ... but in a good way. MDCO in a way reflects the city of Marion. It consists of a team of people who have committed to pour their lives into the city. A team of people who have ebbed and flowed throughout the years as we celebrate the process of growing. And it’s a team of people that has partnered with many other teams to come together to build something beautiful in this city. 

We wouldn’t be MDCO without this community. If you’re reading this newsletter and are inspired to hear more or join our team, reach out to us at or on Instagram @mariondesignco

Brittany Long,
COO & Project Manager

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newsletter Wendy Puffer newsletter Wendy Puffer

Newsletter 006

Our Summer 2021 cohort wrapped up their work at the end of July. Over the past three months, the team has grown close as they used their individual creativity to design collaboratively. Together, we accomplished so much, from launching Marion Made Mini to completing major branding projects. We also pushed ourselves to discover creative solutions for a variety of problems: from creating a new recipe from leftover ingredients to trying to unpack a couch from a compact SUV (campus police can be a solution, at times).

Looking back on the summer, we have so many favorite moments!

Jessica enjoyed getting to know community members and meeting wonderful clients. Audra loved getting closer to all the interns, both inside and outside of work. Isabel loved being able to work with each of her fellow interns in ways that highlighted their specific strengths. Hannah enjoyed working with a client who had a distinct passion and goal, finding the precise design solution to fit their needs. Mattea had fun touring Ridley Tower and other downtown spaces with the group. Jared shared that he loved working toward the revitalization of Downtown Marion and experiencing the mission of Marion Design Co. firsthand.

While we will miss our summer interns, we are looking forward to the upcoming semester and all that our next cohort will accomplish!

On July 23, we celebrated Christmas in July alongside other Downtown Marion businesses. At the event, we embraced our Marion community by exchanging gifts, writing letters, and enjoying a movie together. We were thrilled to connect with so many of our neighbors as they stopped by!

As part of the gift exchange, we invited the community to share their dreams for Marion in exchange for an ornament inspired by the architecture downtown. We asked our community, If Santa could pull anything out of his bag that would make downtown feel like home, what would it be?

This Christmas-themed design thinking session, presented as a Christmas wish list, allowed us to engage with the ideas swirling within our community and, in the future, will allow us to better serve our community. We found that the community answered in unexpected ways, thinking imaginatively about what Downtown could become. 

As we read through responses, we were inspired by the hopeful spirit of our community and were reminded of the power of sharing ideas. Our community champions big dreams.

Sydney Bounyavong

We are excited to share another alumni highlight - Sydney Schmidt Bounyavong! Sydney interned with Marion Design Co. a variety of times: first during her sophomore year of college in the Fall of 2018 and the Spring of 2019; In the Fall 2019, she was part of the leadership team for the Marion Made Market and Fashion Show; and in 2021 Sydney joined the Spring Cohort, working on a variety of design projects. Sydney graduated in April of 2021 with a B.A in Graphic Design and Photography, and is now located in Greenville, South Carolina.

Sydney shared with us that the most important thing she learned from Marion Design Co. was how to work within a team to work on multiple projects at a time. She said one of her favorite memories was working on Marion Made in 2019, as she got to see the design elements come to life and collaborate with a wide range of people. She said it was amazing to see all the overlapping teams work together to host an amazing day for the city of Marion, support small businesses, and bring awareness to the dangers of fast fashion. 

Today, Sydney works at Dapper Ink in Greenville, South Carolina, as a Graphic Designer. She shared that her time at Marion Design Co. provided technical skills that have allowed her to work more effectively in creating design solutions. She is finding inspiration from other storytellers, interior designers, van-lifers, gardeners, and her new coworkers, as she is hoping to find opportunities to serve communities through creative solutions. 

Peter Troutner, Creative Director and Chief Creative Officer

YOU ARE THE ANSWER has been at the forefront of our messaging since we began over 5 years ago, proudly greeting Marion drivers on a large banner for several years and it’s a statement we still hold close to our heart. We believe it with every bit of our being and it guides Marion Design Co. as we take on projects and work with people.

But what does it mean? You are the Answer means just that - that you are someone who holds the key to making things happen - your ideas are full of value and if you choose to take that step momentous strides can take place. It also means we want to hear your voice. We may be a studio solving problems through design but we do so alongside you and alongside people holding incredible vision yet to be realized. You hold the key in understanding your business, organization, amazing idea, or community goal. We want to partner in that with you. 

Early on as we talked with many in our community with doors open wide, we discovered that we believe Marion has everything it needs to thrive. Thriving means we all join in and all become part of the work. You can be part of that undiscovered potential ready to launch. Although we may be the ones bringing some of your ideas to life - you are the ones whose ideas launched them. We are just happy to be with you as we make them a reality together, (“together, together” as the Summer 2021 cohort would sing.)

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Newsletter 005

This year, the Indiana Arts Commission selected Marion as one of six locations to host On-Ramp, a three-day workshop for creative entrepreneurs to help grow their businesses. We are thankful to have the opportunity to collaborate with the Indiana Arts Commission to help host On-Ramp in conjunction with other leaders and sponsors: Marion Arts Commission, Marion Design Co. Clique Creative Photography, Echo Gallery, and Henrik Soderstrom Studio's, and Lark’s Song. 

Artists from all around Indiana traveled to downtown Marion to participate in the workshop. As soon as everyone arrived on Thursday, they filled the space with life and connections, as every participant had the opportunity to build relationships with each other throughout the conference. As much as we loved engaging in On-Ramp, we also enjoyed observing as the participants worked together to help each other grow as they learned about their respective work. It was a joy to watch a camaraderie of artists grow before us amongst many people who had never met before.

Top to bottom: Cohort members Jaylan and Melissa discussing the course content, Wendy Puffer speaking during her panel, On-Ramp Marion group photo, On-Ramp Marion Leadership (Left to right: Eric Marshall, Tashema Davis, Anna Tragesser, Wendy Puffer, Henrik Soderstrom).

We are grateful for the opportunity, and we cherish the relationships we gained through our involvement in On-Ramp. Every artist who attended brought inspiration and encouragement to us to continue our work in
downtown Marion!

Ben Tadevich

We are excited to highlight another MDCO alumni, Benjamin Tadevich! Ben was part of the 2019 Summer Cohort at MDCO. He graduated from IWU in 2020 with a B.A in Graphic Design and is currently located in Gas City.

Ben shared with us that the most valuable thing he learned during his time at Marion Design Co. was learning the value of working as a team. He said that, though his school projects allowed experience in teams, they did not compare to his time at Marion Design Co., as he worked with the same team for months, and he felt like that reflected a more honest experience of working in a design team than his classes provided.

One of his favorite memories, besides “the whole summer,” was a night he had spent with one of his cohort members, as they had stayed at the bank building until two or three in the morning working on a 3D model of the space they had ideated over the summer. The model they finished reflected a majority of the work they had done throughout the summer and finishing it brought an indescribable sense of fulfillment he had not experienced before.

Currently, Ben works as an in-house Graphic Designer. He shared with us that Marion Design Co. impacts his work today by teaching him how to communicate to a more realistic, or modest, audience, who are not always willing to try new things.

Come and see us and our neighbors tonight for Christmas in July downtown! We are showing It’s a Wonderful Life and hosting a design-thinking gift exchange! We will have treats and gifts to share - we hope to see you there!

Show times: 5-7pm,
7-9pm; 401 S Washington St.

Wendy Puffer

What does it mean to be a Korean American female leader? To be honest, I hadn’t really asked myself the question until recently--I mean, really asked the question as if it made a difference. I’ve spent my whole life trying to blend in and to be like everyone else. As a Korean daughter, adopted by Caucasian American parents (who adopted four more Korean and Bi-racial children), I didn’t like being different. During my formative years, I worked hard at being the same as my friends. It’s hard work to see the world through this lens. Rather than embracing the natural intuition that makes life joyful when a person is working from their own human-centered design, my focus was outward, figuring out what I had to do next to “blend in.”

If we approached our design process for our clients or the community in this manner, we would miss the mark. Why would we create a design proposal for the purpose of making their brand identity, urban or interior space, or city look like someone else’s? We would create confusion and ultimately lose their trust—quite a foolish strategy.

So, as a Korean female leader, it’s critical to design with an embrace, first, for the attributes that define what is true. I’m carrying into this new chapter of Marion Design Co. a sense of joy as I embrace passions, intuitions, and methods from 61 years of rejecting and accepting my uniqueness. As a Korean, I’m birthed out of a culture of beautiful design. As a woman, I carry a holistic and relational way of seeing people. As a leader, I empower and accelerate potential. Thank you to the smart, innovative, and “a bit crazy influencers” who started Marion Design Co. with me (Herb and Luke). Your voices speak into every decision we’re making for our bright future!

Grateful for you,

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Newsletter 004

Welcome to the MDCO Newsletter! We are so excited to share with you a variety of what we’ve worked on, an alumni highlight, and a piece of gratitude towards one of Marion’s Local Businesses, Lark’s Song. We appreciate your commitment and time towards our team!

In anticipation of hosting the Indiana Arts Commission On-Ramp Workshop, we created a brand for the three-day event. Inspired by educational materials - created by Minerva - prepared for the workshop, we developed a mark that employs the playful, imaginative nature of vibrant colored dots to reflect the boldness required when starting a creative business. We are eager to watch the brand come to life next week as we learn alongside the team of creators!

We are joining the downtown community by celebrating Christmas in July! Stop by 401 S Washington St. anytime from
5-9pm on July 23 for a movie night and gift exchange, as well as other stops along the square! We can’t wait to celebrate the joy of Christmas with you, our neighbor!

Last week, Jenna came through Marion and visited us at Lark’s Song to see the Summer Cohort. Jenna became an intern in the fall of 2018, and stayed involved with Marion Design Co. up until her recent graduation in April 2021. Jenna graduated with a B.A in Design for Social Impact and is currently located in her hometown, Muskegon, Michigan. 

Jenna worked on a variety of projects during her time with Marion Design Co., but she told us her favorite and most memorable work was her first project, the SEAD Conference. She said one of the most fulfilling parts of SEAD was working on it from start to finish, from planning the event to seeing it in its full fruition. As well, the conference was brand new, as Jenna and her team made the very first SEAD conference. With nothing to reference as a “past event,” Jenna and her team had the freedom to imagine and come up with ideas with little restriction. She said that Wendy did a great job of “coaching through the chaos” throughout the planning and execution of the event.

As Jenna has graduated and is currently looking for her next step, she shared with us how Marion Design Co. has impacted her work today. She said that, through her experience doing workshops through MDCO, she has a greater interest in roles that involve teaching, or have a more educational strategy at their core. She said that “Marion Design Co is a philosophy, or way of working, that you can apply anywhere you go.” Now, Jenna is looking for jobs in Placemaking and Strategy and is taking routine walks with her 80-year-old neighbor, and a 90-year-old friend. As a recent graduate, Jenna is taking time to explore opportunities as they arise. 

Beginning in Fall 2020, Lark’s Song has welcomed Marion Design Co. into their building and shared their workspace with us. Access to the building has allowed us to continue working at the heart of downtown and remain connected to our community, while also actively collaborating with Lark’s Song.

Since Lark’s Song’s origins in 2013, Megan Gilmore, the nonprofit’s founder, shared their journey has been full of “unreal, wild, synchronous, divine-timing stories.” Providing wellbeing education, certified coach training, and culture care, Lark’s Song exists to courageously and holistically cocreate a flourishing world. As larks represent daybreak and courage, Lark’s Song offers programs that empower individuals towards the courage to notice and engage with newness, honoring their own song. 

Lark’s Song moved to the corner of 4th and Washington in 2015. While the scope of Lark’s Song’s impact reaches far beyond Indiana, their vision of transformation and life purpose discovery remains grounded in downtown Marion. Megan shared that their consistent presence has meant the people of Marion now see them as a safe space and a loyal friend.

Marion Design Co. has been collaborating with Lark’s Song since 2016, when Megan worked closely with our founders to translate community stories into the Marion values now found in the 4th St. Alleyway. From hundreds of post-it notes revealing community members’ perspectives of the city, we were able to collaborate in extracting the values from the stories of our neighbors. 

During coaching sessions, Megan explained that clients create a life purpose statement. For Megan, this statement says, “I am the lark’s song that awakens courage.” As Lark’s Song continues to grow, Megan shared that she is excited about the way the nonprofit has realized its purpose, courageously embracing its identity and awakening the community to its potential.


It’s been 4 months since we officially launched Marion Design Co as an independent business. In that time, we have been able to partner with so many people and build connections with small and large businesses.

Design is not an individual sport. It’s a process that requires problem-solving and collaboration. As I reflect on the work we’ve done this summer so far, one word that comes to mind is THANKFULNESS. I am blown away by what our team has been able to accomplish and how many awesome people we have been able to partner with along the way. 

Our 6 interns continue to push the envelope with creativity, leadership, and ingenuity. Our leadership team continues to lead with confidence and grace. Our partners continue to join with us in the creative and problem-solving process, showing up with excitement and hopefulness for what we can create together.

Altogether, I am thankful. Cheers to our future and what we can accomplish together!

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Newsletter 003

As designers, we value empathy and understanding in all aspects of our work. In the past few weeks, we’ve started a web design project for Compete Training Academy, a basketball training program founded by Jordan and Courtney Delks in Sweetser, Indiana. To better understand their programs, we took a trip to visit two sites: Oak Hill, where Courtney was coaching elementary students, and The Barn, the facility owned by Jordan and Courtney, where they do most of their training. The unique quality of their training programs, both in credibility and in character, sets CTA apart from their competitors.

As we’ve worked with Courtney and Jordan, they have generously shared their stories with us. When they purchased their barn, they were looking for houses. They had seen pictures of the inside of the house they were inquiring about but had seen none about the Barn. As soon as Courtney saw the Barn in person, she went to see if she could shoot a basketball without hitting any of the supporting beams. After a successful shot to an imaginary hoop, Courtney fell in love with the Barn and was ready to make an offer before even seeing the house. “By the grace of God,” She said, they purchased the Barn in 2017 and underwent renovations right away to make their facility.

At Marion Design Co., we encourage and strive for understanding for all of our projects. Since visiting CTA, seeing their work in action and the humble but catching atmosphere of their “barn-turned-gym,” we have gained a greater appreciation for Courtney, Jordan, and all of the programs they offer to all ages. We are so excited to tell their story and make something great together!

Follow CTA on Instagram and Facebook to browse their programs!

Today marks our final Marion Made Mini of the summer! We started Marion Made Mini back in May, with the goal of building community. Each week since, we have not only fallen in love with every baked good Kate Luttrull crafted, but we have also built meaningful relationships with our Marion neighbors

Jessica Moore, a placemaking intern, organized the event each week. Over the last two months, she has found joy in watching people come not just for food, but to connect with each other. Jessica sees this presence downtown as an accessible and physical representation of the revitalization Marion Design Co. is working towards in the heart of Marion

Placemaking design is at the heart of Marion Made Mini. As Jessica explained, “By having Marion Made Mini we make a space where people want to come and participate in Marion, which brings hope, inspiration, and aspiration for what Marion has the potential to become.” In the future, she hopes more businesses bring their stores outside on the square, continuing to create spaces for the community to flourish. 

Thank you for your support week after week; we couldn’t have done it without you! We would also like to thank True Envy Boutique for hosting Marion Made Mini last week. We couldn’t have pulled it off without their wonderful staff!

If you would like to enjoy more of Kate Luttrull’s baked goods, you can follow her @gday.bakery on Instagram. 

Peter Troutner, Creative Director and Chief Creative Officer

In many ways we exist to connect, collaborate, and co-create. It’s a reminder that the Co. in Marion Design Co. has a lot of meanings and that ultimately what we do is all about people. And it’s about telling those stories well.

Connect | Our city is a place of connection. As I’m writing this it’s a cool 75 and we pulled the tables out on the sidewalk to work. Cars drive by giving us looks and smiles. A cyclist just drove up saying he was late to the meeting it looked like we were holding. In passing, we got to hear his story and how he began cycling from Santa Barbara to Chicago and now is on his way to New York City. Just think: Marion, Indiana, became part of his story since he was looking for a coffee shop and we got to be part of his story if even for a moment as we sent him down to Sender Cafe.

Collaborate | We took the afternoon Wednesday to understand not only how we collaborate with our clients and community, but how we collaborate with each other. We met with Jessica Gormong and Keith Puffer to understand our Enneagrams and careers in order to better collaborate with each other as well
as our clients

Co-create | Walk through the doors of the studio and get ready to be a part of something. We want you involved in our story. As we design solutions, create graphics, discover place, and beautify space we know it’s because of you and your story that we get the chance to be here. Let’s tell a story together.

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newsletter Wendy Puffer newsletter Wendy Puffer

Newsletter 002

Welcome to our newsletter! We are excited to share a story from one of our alumni, new projects in downtown Marion, and various news from our Summer Cohort. Thank you for subscribing and staying connected with us!

We are eagerly anticipating the On-Ramp Marion Workshop in July! If you are looking for ways to share your art or are starting a creative business, On-Ramp provides the perfect opportunity to accelerate your artistic work! The application deadline has been extended to June 16; apply today for the opportunity to participate in the free, three-day workshop, personalized business coaching, and up to $2000 for your growing business.

We have been busy with preparations to host the workshop here at Marion Design Co., even creating a unique brand for the Marion Workshop. We hope to see you there!

If you have been to Downtown Marion recently, you may have noticed new lighting in the alleyways! Marion Design Co. had the privilege of partnering with Mayor Jess Alumbaugh to add string lights across the alleys, creating a warm atmosphere just in time for summer. Together with the City, we applied placemaking design to illuminate new spaces surrounding the square.

Audra Frieden

Audra Frieden, a placemaking design intern, expressed her excitement about the new lights, “The alleyway lights activate a space that can feel dead. When a space is activated like that, and people are there, spaces that are permeated by the presence of people make the overall area more vibrant.”

Yeabsera Tabb

On June 4, we drove to Indianapolis to visit Yeabsera Tabb, a former Marion Design Co. placemaking intern. Yeabsera interned during the summer of 2018 and the Fall of 2019. She recently graduated from Indiana Wesleyan University with a major in Design for Social Impact and a Fine Arts minor.

Today, Yeabsera is working at the Harrison Center in Indianapolis where she has a one-year fellowship. While there, she works alongside community members to create opportunities for connection and placemaking. She also teaches art classes on storytelling in the form of papermaking and mark-making in the Martindale Brightwood Neighborhood. Day to day, Yeabsera blends design thinking, research, and problem-solving as she uses visual art to encourage connection.

Beyond her fellowship, Yeabsera is currently working toward a solo show, which will be held at 1000 Words Indy. She also earned a grant from Good Mirrors Aren’t Cheap, based in New York, to continue her senior project, “The Synthesis of
In-between.” The knowledge and practice she gained on how to design with a people-first mentality from Marion Design Co. continues to impact her work.

Wendy Puffer, Co-Founder and Chief Design Officer

We’ve been pondering the idea that “Curiosity is an act of love.” We love with curiosity by asking questions that prompt our imaginations for our clients and community. Sometimes our questions lead us toward huge leaps that open opportunities!

Marion Design Co. has said a big YES to launching our studio as an independent business. As a result, we’re experiencing tremendous growth in partnerships and projects! In fact, our team of six interns and three officers has launched multiple graphic design, interior design, placemaking, design thinking sessions, and website design projects in the past two months. We’re grateful to our founders, alumni, and generous partners who have empowered what started out as a branding project for Marion into a sustainable design studio that educates students and creates beautiful design work for the community.

Congratulations! You made it to the end of our Newsletter.
To celebrate you, here’s a word from one of our Placemaking Interns, Jessica.

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Newsletter 001

Welcome to the first issue of the Marion Design Co. Newsletter! For the last five years, we have been striving toward our mission to empower, propel, and revive the community of Marion through collaboration and design. Community is integral to our work, and we are excited to stay connected with you--a member of our MDCO community--as we continue to grow and create. Through this bi-monthly newsletter, we hope to keep you updated on the work we are doing, the ways we are living out our mission, and the community members serving Marion alongside us.

This month, we’ve transitioned from our Spring to Summer cohort.
In the past few weeks, we’ve started, maintained, and finished projects with the help of our new Summer Interns. This year, we brought in six interns: Jared Strand, a placemaking intern from Marion, Indiana; Jessica Moore, a placemaking intern from New Haven, Indiana; Isabel Bostick, a copywriting intern from Brownsburg, Indiana; Mattea Fry, a graphic design intern from Bloomington, Illinois; Audra Frieden, a placemaking and graphic design intern from Colorado Springs, Colorado; Hannah Gjertson, a copywriting and design intern from Greenwood, Indiana. Our interns have already worked on a variety of projects from branding to placemaking, including a new rendition of one of our traditions: Marion Made Mini!

In Summer 2018, Marion Design Co. launched Marion Made, an event to highlight local artists and creators and to cultivate community by encouraging creativity. This summer, we launched Marion Made Mini, a weekly event on the downtown square. Every Friday at 10:00am, you can find us at 401 S. Washington St, gathering outside around baked goods, sipping on locally-roasted coffee, and celebrating our vibrant community. 

Since our first Marion Made Mini event on May 14, we have featured Kate Luttrull’s baked goods. Kate has been baking since she was a child and finds inspiration across the globe as she explores new flavor pairings. She moved to Marion from Australia five years ago with her husband and three children, and since then she has fallen in love with their Marion home. Each week, she creates a unique menu of baked goods, and her delicious creations have consistently sold out. After two successful Marion Made Mini events, she has felt encouraged by the community’s enthusiasm. Kate shared, “I love the idea and growth of the community knowing there is a place to hang out and drop in on a Friday.” 

Jared Strand

Jared Strand, a placemaking intern, says he enjoys working on Marion Made Mini because it sparks the idea of what could
be happening on the square. It proves that people enjoy company downtown, and want to invest in
opportunities to build community.

Top to bottom: Everything Cream Cheese Bagels; our Interns enjoying outdoor seating for MMmini; Lemon Blueberry bars

At Marion Design Co., we believe in the balance of work and play. A wonderful opportunity for play happened at the start of our Summer Cohort, as Marion Design Co. turned five years old on May 12th! We celebrated a week later at Lark’s Song with a homemade cake from Kate Luttrull.

Top to bottom: MDCO Founders (left to right: Luke Anspach, Wendy Puffer, Herb Peterson);
our summer cohort celebrating our 5th Birthday!


Peerless Printing & Office Supplies

A family-owned business located downtown, has also supported MMmini by allowing us to use their Hon Skip chair. Stop by to browse quality office furniture!


Are you an artistic entrepreneur looking for ways to invest in your creative business? Apply now for the Marion On-Ramp Workshop and $2000 grant, sponsored by the Indiana Arts Commission! The three-day workshop is free, and will provide you with training on practical ways to grow your creative business. Spots are limited; apply here by June 9, 2021!



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