Newsletter 035

As the weather warms up in the midwest, there’s a fresh energy emerging! The sun is shining and the activity on the sidewalks and public places is teaming with people gathering. As the number of people increases, the speed of urgency is drawn back by a pull toward slowing down to literally stop and smell the roses. This newsletter is filled with ways to ease your load while increasing efficiency!

Spend less time on the computer and more time with people! Are you wrestling with how to create a social media presence that’s fresh and noticeable? We can help! We create social media templates that represent your brand through a deeper understanding of what your followers want to see. Whether it be through weekly Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIN posts, we can create templates and posts that strengthen your brand’s presence! Email us at to get started!

Beginning March 21st, our kitchen door will be open to our community for a casual lunchtime together every first and third Thursday of the month 12:00-1:30. Bring your sack lunch or grab a sandwich at one of our local cafes and join us for a break from work! If it’s a work lunch, consider meeting here at the Kennedy Art Center kitchen. Either way, you’re welcome!

Don’t want to go back to your office after lunch? Stay and work with us! Kennedy Art Center is a co-working space! The environment connects you to the outside while enjoying the comfort of the indoors. Whether it’s sitting in the gallery surrounded by the color of the current exhibit and large views of the outdoors through picture windows or in our dining kitchen with the garage door wide open to let the fresh air in, you’re sure to be productive while building community. For just $5.00 stay as long as you want (while we’re open 😀) and enjoy a cold drink or hot coffee. Cheaper than Starbucks and much quieter! 

As the weather warms up and we permit ourselves more time for leisure, reading is one of the best activities for relaxing while sharpening our minds. It’s one of the best ways to increase our imagination! Reading improves sleep, exercises our brain, reduces stress, teaches empathy, expands our lifespan, and more. Here’s what our team is reading! Let us know what books you recommend!

The Kennedy Art Center is now accepting applications for our upcoming exhibition “Space Between.” This show seeks to highlight artwork that investigates the gap between one thing and another, whether that be objects, concepts, or mindsets. This could include the literal, physical space between two things, such as an alleyway: the space between two buildings. It could also refer to the gap between two social classes, or the transitionary period between two phases of life - even playing with scale or comparison: perhaps the space between a grassroots organization and its community vs. an individual in that community. Interpretation of the show’s theme can be varied, and creativity in exploring it is welcomed. Click on the link to learn more and submit an application before March 19th. The deadline is March 19th!

Our final suggestion for launching a new perspective is to celebrate the past. We’re doing that by looking back at each iteration of the Marion Made Fashion Show.

2024 was no exceptions as each event had its own unique flare sparked by the people who share their creative talents.

Bringing back the workshop and topping it off with a gallery exhibit, 2024’s Marion Made was the most ambitious series of events yet! Click on the links below to catch a video glimpse of the 2018, 2019, and our most recent 2024 show!

Emily Troutner, Chief Design Officer

Can you feel it? Spring is in the air! The days are getting longer, the sun is a little warmer, and everything just seems to come alive again. As a designer, I find this time of year rejuvenating and inspiring. There's something about the vibrant colors, the gentle breeze, and the sound of birds chirping that just sparks inspiration. It's like nature's hitting the reset button on my creativity, reminding me of the beauty and possibility that surrounds us.

So, here's my challenge to you: ditch your desk for a bit and take a walk outside. Immerse yourself in the sights, sounds, and smells of the season. Let the fresh air clear your head and open you up to new ideas. You might be surprised by what you find – a cool pattern on a leaf, a conversation with a neighbor you haven't seen in a while, or simply a renewed sense of calm that fuels your creativity. After all, sometimes the best way to get inspired is to simply be present in the moment and connect with the world around you. Grab a friend, a sketchbook, or even just your phone to capture some inspiration. You never know what creative spark you might ignite, and who knows, you might even spark a collaboration or two along the way! So get out there and let spring do its magic!

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Newsletter 036

