Newsletter 018

Where do you belong? As a new semester is launched post pandemic, many individuals are shifting to new or familiar places to make their mark for the next nine months. From preschoolers to college students, there’s a freshness that comes with a bit more confidence that we’ll be together face to face for the duration of the academic year. The walls of schools and universities are critical spaces for learning. 

This month we’re in the middle of construction on a teaching kitchen for preschoolers. The I Have a Dream Academy, located in Marion seven blocks south of the downtown square, is a dual language immersion preschool that champions racial reconciliation among children by creating diverse learning spaces that expand a child’s worldview through experiential learning.  Marion Design Co. designed a STEM kitchen that allows children to cook traditional Latino/a and African American foods utilizing naturally grown foods from a greenhouse.This specialized academic space ensures that every child and teacher has a place at the table, creating a sense of belonging. Here’s a peak into where we’re heading. When it’s all finished, we’ll send you photos of the finished space!

As we anticipate the opening of Marion Design Co’s studio in the new Kennedy Art Center, we’re anticipating a variety of activities for the community in the space. As we conduct daily design work for our clients and the community, we’ll also be hosting the KAC Art Gallery and workshops on topics that the community wants to learn more about in the area of design beginning in 2023. If you have a topic for a workshop you’d be interested in attending, send us a note at Marion Design Co. on the contact page and we’ll be sure and explore it!

Angie Thompson, Chief Financial Officer

Last month we moved our oldest daughter into her freshman dorm room and drove away with a flood of emotions.  On one hand, there is a sense of accomplishment that we successfully transitioned a young adult into the next level of independence.  On the other hand, though, there was a feeling of dread as we looked into a slightly panicked face questioning if she really belonged there. 

I found myself affirming her several times saying to her, “You belong here.  They chose you.  You belong.”  But I don’t know that she believed that….yet.

All across the country, campuses are welcoming new and returning students to their communities.  You not only see it on campus itself, but also in the stores, restaurants, and yes the coffee shops!  As I was in the store this weekend, I saw parents and young adults grabbing last minute items needed for their transition to their new homes.  It was a familiar look on both of their faces of wonder, fear, excitement, and slight panic.  I was secretly glad that it wasn’t me this weekend.  It also made me ask myself what do we do to foster a sense of belonging in our community? How can we say to them “You belong here.  Your child belongs here.” 

Outside of a simple smile and act of kindness to those around us, there is also value in intentional connections and collaboration with the different organizations in our community.  Making connections with our campuses and working alongside them builds a strong sense of belonging for those who are new and trying to find their passions.  Collaboration does not mean that we each just do our part and live separately.  Collaboration is truly coming together and building from each other’s gifts and talents.  We have a new population joining us every fall.  How can we connect and collaborate with them to help them feel like they belong and ultimately grow and better our community?  Let’s all say it to each other and to those joining us.  “You belong here.  You chose us, so we are choosing you.  You belong.”

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Structures shape common sense.

